Cell-Phone Relationships

Cell-phones have become an extension of your mind and expression.
More and more people are creating emotional and psychological attachments through whatsapp, facebook messenger, BBM or wechat.

I have met hundreds of men and women who are having or are suffering due to a "cell-phone relationship".
Neuroscientists have proved that even with no physical contact, the emotional attachment through communication by these messenger services, produces the same chemical reactions in the brain, as while having sex with that individual.

Hence whatsapp, BBM or wechat, are creating "emotional relationships", which most think are "harmless".

The Denial Trap -
99% involved in "cell-phone relationships" deny it, for there is no "sex" involved.
Their obsession for the "cell-phone partner" over-clouds their entire about "real life" and real-life relationships.

Common Behavior Patterns -
1. Spending more than 2-3hours a day chatting with your “cell-phone friend.”
2. Throughout the day, your mind is preoccupied with thoughts about your ”cell-phone friend”.
3. If there is resistance from family, friends or spouse... the "interaction" is kept secret..
Changing all your account passwords, creating new social networks/email accounts, concealing emails, changing his/her name on the blackberry messenger, etc.

4. High irritation or anger if your questioned about your cell-phone friend.
5. Restlessness if not heard from him/her within a few hours.
This restlessness calms only after contacting him/her.
6. Higher comfort level in sharing your thoughts with your "cell-phone friend", through whatsapp than talking it out with your friends/partner.
7. Tunnel vision - Discount all negatives of your cell-phone friend. Become over-critical about your real-life family/partner.
8. While having sex/masturbating your mind flashes the desire of being with your “cellphone friend”.
9. Sharing sensitive information like provocative photos, bank or other financial details, personal body details or professional secret details with your ”cellphone friend”.
10. Constantly planning to arrange business meetings, conferences or visits to spend time alone with your ”cell-phone friend”.
11. Constant denying to any emotional attachment to your ”cell-phone friend”, while you still spend most time in the day thinking, talking or chating with him.

Reason -

Emotional Addiction to the “cell-phone friend” makes you emotionally numb to everyone else.
Feeling irritation, critical or angry towards those who don't share your "vision" about him/her.
The brain becomes addicted to this "friend", making it more and more difficult to detach from him.
You find reasons and ways to avoid real life.
Fake and stupid ideas become explanations about "Great ideas" being discussed.
"cellphone relationships" are for real, and they are destroying marriages, destroying social self and destroying people.
Many manipulators are making use of the same to drag individuals into financial, psychological and sexual blackmailing.

Thanks for reading, your queries are welcome @-

Dr.Hemant Mittal
(Psychiatrist,Motivational Writer/Speaker and Counselor)
email – eksoch@gmail.com
website – http://mindmantra.in/services.html

personal consultation @-
address- Mind Mantra wellness clinic
Shop 15, shreeji plaza, next to ice n spice restaurant,
opposite seawoods station,
seawoods (east)
Navi Mumbai – 400706

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