The idea of six degrees of separation is that anyone on the planet
can be connected to any other person on the planet by a chain of no more
than five acquaintances. In 1967 the American sociologist Stanley
Milgram created a test called “The small-world problem.” He randomly
selected people in the mid-West to send packages to a stranger in
Massachusetts. They were told only the recipient’s name, occupation and
general location. They were instructed to send the package to someone
they knew only on a first name basis, who would then send it on to
another, and so on until the package finally got to the recipient. While
it was expected that the chain would be at least 100 people long,
Milgram actually found that the range was from 2 to 10, with 5 being the
average. His study inspired the phrase, “Six Degrees of Separation.”
Various forms of the theory have been tested and confirmed in the
decades since. Most recently, Microsoft analyzed 30 billion Instant
Messenger conversations in one month in 2006. They claim that they
captured about half of the whole world’s IM communication for that
month. They confirmed that the average chain of connection between IM
users was 6.6. Yahoo and Facebook are now creating their own test of the
You can do your own Six Degrees of Separation exercise. When
you’re at a party or work function, strike up a conversation with
someone you don’t know, and find out how many degrees of separation
there are between you. Ask questions about where they live, where they
exercise, hair dressers, doctors, schools, what town they grew up in etc
until you find a common acquaintance.
The idea of six degrees of separation is incredibly empowering. That
elusive answer you’ve been looking for, the guidance, connection,
support, inspiration, are all closer to you than you imagine. Sometimes
you have to step out of your comfort zone and connect with someone new
or some new place just to remind yourself that you live in an awesome
universe that is open and generous, and that sometimes strangers or
unlikely acquaintances bring you surprising gifts. There is enormous
value in connecting with a diverse group of people and travelling to new
places. It expands you and your experience of life. It reminds you that
you live in a small but miraculous world and there is always more to
Six degrees of separation is also motivating. If you understand the
power you have to influence others, you can choose what you want to
share. Because studies now show that happiness is literally contagious
across your extended network, up to three degrees of separation. One
study showed that if you are happy, your friends are 25% more likely to
be happy as a result and your friends’ friends are 10% more likely to be
happy even if they don’t even know you. So, given that we are all
connected by six degrees of separation and happiness reaches across
three degrees of separation, two people at opposite ends of a social
network should be able to pass happiness back and forth among the
network like a vibrating chain. Choose to share happiness and optimism.
Spread it like a virus for good.
The notion of six degrees of separation reminds us of one of the
fundamental laws of the universe and a profoundly spiritual truth. We
are ALL connected and intimately related to each other. This is the
foundation for compassion, morality, gratitude, wonder, vision, the law
of attraction, paying kindness forward and so much more.
Swami Vivekananda, the 19th century mystic credited with bringing Hindu philosophy to the west offers the perfect summary of the theme,
All differences in this world are of degree, and not of kind, because oneness is the secret of everything.
( A Great article from soulseeds that shows the importance of breaking comfort zones and the ease with which you can network with as much people as you want)
You can Contact me on-
Dr.Hemant MittaL
Motivational Speaker - Mind-Body Healer
(MBBS, PG.DPM, M.D.(Mind Mantra Wellness Concepts - Mumbai))
(Specialize in Emotional, Behavioural, Sleep, Memory, Concentration and Sexual Health)
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