10 Signs that your Job is leading you to Clinical Depression

1. "another day at that god damn place" - is the first feeling that comes to your mind while going to work.

2. "I am wasting my life here, I could have been much better" - the feeling that predominates your mind while working.

3. You have been increasing weight - increased eating or drinking as a emotional response to stress.

4. You are loosing on sleep. - on weekdays feel as if you haven't slept and always feel fatigued or low on energy

5. You are always worried what will happen next at work, and how will you battle it.

6. You feel like killing your boss or destroying the place you work at.

7. You get angry at friends/family for no major reason. Then feel guilty and regret it.

8. You lose concentration while talking to someone or forget tasks.

9. You desperately wait for the weekend. Drink and/or eat excessively on friday or saturday, and spend the next day sleeping.

10. You feel there is no hope in life, and you are a slave to the system. Wanting to commit suicide or run away to some remote place.

If you have more than 6 of the above, its time you saw a psychiatrist or spoke to your company psychologist or found yourself a new job.

Clinical Depression is a medical disorder thats invisible to the eye, but destructive to the personality.

written by -

Dr.Hemant Mittal (MBBS, DPM)

psychiatrist, psychotherapist, motivational speaker/writer

email - eksoch@gmail.com


Clinical Depression

Clinical depression is much more than just being Sad... its persistent sadness that remains throughout the day.

Symptoms of depression (6 or more of the following) - 
1. Persistent sad, anxious, or "empty" mood thats present for more than 2 weeks.
2. Loss of interest or pleasure in activities, including sex
3. Restlessness, irritability, or excessive crying
4. Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, helplessness, hopelessness, pessimism
5. Sleeping too much or too little, early-morning waking
6. Appetite and/or weight loss or overeating and weight gain
7. Decreased energy, fatigue, feeling "slowed down"
8. Thoughts of death or suicide, or suicide attempts
9. Difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions
10. Persistent physical symptoms that do not respond to treatment, such as headaches, digestive disorders, and chronic pain

Depression is more common in women than men?
1. monthly hormone level fluctuation
2. social pressures
3. multiple adjustments 

What increases the chances of depression?

1. Family history of mood disorders
2. History of mood disorders in early reproductive years
3. Loss of a parent before age 10
4. Loss of social support system or the threat of such a loss
5. Ongoing psychological and social stress, such as loss of a job, relationship stress, separation or divorce
6. Physical or sexual abuse as a child
7. Use of certain medications / drugs
8. Women can also get postpartum depression after the birth of a baby.
9. Some people get seasonal affective disorder in the winter.

How to Cope?
1. Eat healthfully and exercise regularly.
2. Engage in a creative outlet or hobby that fosters a sense of achievement.
3. Find a self-calming skill to practice -- such as yoga, meditation, or slow, deep breathing.
4. Keep your bedroom cool to prevent night sweats and disturbed sleep.
5. Seek emotional support from friends, family members, or a professional counselor when needed.
6. Stay connected with your family and community and nurture your friendships.
7. Take medicines, vitamins, and minerals as prescribed by your psychiatrist.

Thanks for reading, your queries are welcome @-

Dr.Hemant Mittal
(Psychiatrist,Motivational Writer/Speaker and Counselor)

email - eksoch@gmail.com
website - http://mindmantra.in/services.html

personal consultation @-
address- Mind Mantra wellness clinic
Shop 15, shreeji plaza, next to ice n spice restaurant,
opposite seawoods station,
seawoods (east)
Navi Mumbai - 400706

Love Addiction

Love Addiction

What is Love addiction?
Its the very high need of being in a relationship.
A person is addicted to the "relationship".. He/she is addicted to the feeling of "being in love"... No matter how disastrous the relationship might be for their emotional, physical, financial or sexual well-being.. the person will never want to leave the relationship.

Why does Love addiction happen?
1. fear of being alone
2. hope that the partner might change his ways one day
3. excessive emotional or financial investment into the relationship
4. Feeling you cannot go wrong.. and will be able to direct the relationship in the right direction.

How to know if you are a "love addict"?
answer the following -

Do you feel that you cannot live without your partner?
Does your whole world revolve around your partner?
Is your entire day decided by how your partner treats you?
Do you spend all the time caring about your partner?
Is your mind full of "movie like" thoughts about your relationship?

Common symptoms of Love addiction -

1. Love addict caries a feeling of loneliness in his/her heart.
2. This loneliness is cured by "the security" of someone in your life. And hence the need to do anything for that "security"
3. Breaking a lot of social laws to stand for the "relationship"
4. Terribly scared of being left alone and will do anything to avoid it.
5. Showering of love goes to extreme and accepting any form of torture.
6. Take the responsibility, guilt and blame in the relationship, when often its their partners fault.
7. High criticizing of others, specially ex's of the partner.
8. High need to control the relationship, because of which show high insecurity and mood swings.
9. Always fantasize about how great their relationship.
10. Unable to see the reality of their relationship and how unhappy they are.
11. High level of criticism, negativity and gossip for those in other relationships.

Treatment -
1. Love Addiction - like any other addiction spread through the mind and affects the emotional well being of a person.

2. essential to consult a professional counselor / professional psychiatrist.

3. it has withdrawal symptoms that can be experienced even if the partner is away for a single day.

4. Emotional pain is exagerrated and 100 times more than in other cases. This can lead to extreme anger.
In this extreme anger state an individual can commit suicide, kill someone or harm themselves permanently.

written by -
Dr.Hemant Mittal
(Psychiatrist, Motivational Writer/Speaker and Counselor)

email - eksoch@gmail.com
website - http://mindmantra.in/services.html

or visit my wellness clinic @-
address- 15, shreeji plaza, next to ice n spice restaurant, opposite seawoods station, seawoods (east)
Navi Mumbai

is your child suffering from a mental health problem??

Children don't talk they act.. They are more expressive.
Nowadays younger and younger children are suffering from mental health problems.

You might ask why is so? - the answer is stress... There is pressure on a child from the moment he/she is born.
Be it pollution, food, society, school... recent studies show that the pressure on a 5th grader today is equal to that on an adult in 1920's.

why its important to be vigilant?
Mental health problems "don't disappear" with time.. They slowly create changes in the brain and this eventually creates a negative personality.. You might be dooming your child to a life of sadness.

what is that you should observe for?
If a 12yr or above child has 8 or more of the following symptoms, present prominently in his personality..Then its time to immediately consult a psychiatrist

1. Always Negativity and in anger
2. First reaction to something told by an adult is Defiance or Disobedience
3. Hostility directed towards adults
4. Throws temper tantrums - parents are scared when and were he will throw a tantrum.
5. Argumentative with adults and can get physically abusive.
6. Refuse to comply with adult requests.
7. Annoy other people deliberately
8. Blames others for his mistakes or misbehavior
9. Is easily annoyed
10. Spiteful or vindictive against others - even if they don't harm him or do anything against him.
11. Act aggressively towards his peer group.
12. Excessive lying - even for small small things.
13. Stealing of money
14. Smell of smoke, nicotine from his clothes.
15. Difficulty maintaining friendships
16. Poor academic problems due to lack of concentration, attention and memory.
17. Lack of self-esteem
18. Excessive demanding or comparing to others.

Dr.Hemant Mittal (MBBS, DPM)
psychiatrist, psychotherapist, motivational speaker/writer