My first interaction with Garba happened in the city of Pune, during my early days as a medical student. At first sight the colorful clothes and the synchronized dance made it look something only meant for professionals.

Over the years, I was always intrigued about the power this single dance form had. In my knowledge there is No other dance form in the entire world who for 9 days, works as a magical wand to infuse enthusiasm, unity, positive energy and happiness within the hearts of millions of people across this great nation.

Recently I came to know that a friend of mine was actually an accomplished Garba dancer. I used this opportunity to learn the deeper psychological power that this single dance form caries.

Modern Garba is looked upon an opportunity to flaunt, socialize and make new alliances... The traditional Garba dancers look upon it as a prayer. The dance is a physical representation of their devotion for the Mother Goddess. An intoxication of love for the Goddess that can be compared to that of the Mystic Sufis.

As wikipedia defines it - "The word Garba comes from the Sanskrit word for gestation or pregnancy. Traditionally, the dance is performed around a clay lantern with a light inside, called a Garbha Deep. This lantern represents life, and the fetus in the womb in particular. The dancers thus honor Durga, the feminine form of divinity.

Garba is performed in a circle as a symbol of the Hindu view of time. The rings of dancers revolve in cycles, as time in Hinduism is cyclical. As the cycle of time revolves, from birth, to life, to death and again to rebirth, the only thing that is constant is the Goddess, that one unmoving symbol in the midst of all of this unending and infinite movement. The dance symbolizes that God, represented in feminine form in this case, is the only thing that remains unchanging in a constantly changing universe (jagat).

Garba songs are mostly in praise of Mother Goddess Amba describing her form, powers, and invoking her blessings. Also there are Garbas describing seasons and social themes of domestic ends and married life."

Today, a few hours before the entire country will burst into the spell of the 1st Garba dance of the season...
I wish that it spread a lot of love and happiness... It takes away the demons of sadness and negativity affecting the society..



Dr.Hemant Mittal (Neuro-Psychiatrist and Counselor)
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address- 15, shreeji plaza, next to ice n spice restaurant, opposite seawoods station, seawoods (east)
Navi Mumbai

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