Sexual Perversions - What triggers a child to be raped!!!

If people where to psychologically profile into Child rapes, Spouse killings or even acid attack victims.. you will find the oppressor to be mentally sick for a long time before the act was committed. Sadly in all that time no action was taken.

One of the darkest areas of Human Psychiatry, is the zone of Sexual Perversions.

By definition - A Sexual perversions is a mental health illness in which sexual excitement or orgasm is obtained by thoughts, urges or acts that are considered unnatural or immoral to cultural norms.
These thoughts, urges or behaviors produce severe mental distress which eventually result in severe financial loss, social rejection and legal complications.

The most common sexual perversions -
1. Impulse to publicly expose once genitals to member of opposite sex.
2. Excitement through use of non-living objects. - the most common involves getting excited by touching or smelling used undergarments or clothes.
3. A common one seen specially in crowded places is - Touching and rubbing genitalia against a non-consenting person.
4. One of the most dangerous is having sexual fantasies/act with young children. - this perversion is the one responsible for childhood sexual abuse and rape of children.
5. One of the most common undercover sexual perversions in marriages involves the act of giving humiliation, suffering, hurting and/or physical pain to the partner before or during sexual act.

6. Another common one is that of sexual fantasies or sexual act with family member.
7. A less common one is cross-dressing
8. The most common in the world is getting sexually aroused by watching others undressing or indulge in sexual activity.

Cause -
psychologically its attributed to lack of complete sexual maturity.
biologically its attributed to mental illness arising from hyperactive, obsessive compulsive brain structure.

The sequence of Events in the brain -
An event, person or image triggers an impulse to indulge in a perversive sexual act. Till a person doesn't indulge in the act, his/her mind is continuously craving more and more for that act.
The intellect completely blinds up, and its only after indulgence in the act that one feels happy and realizes what has been done.
In a few cases there might be extreme sorrow or guilt for what was done.
But next the same sequence is followed next time the impulse is triggered.

Its present in both men and women.

Treatment -
Sexual Perversions are mental illness. They require treatment.
1. Medicines to help decrease the altered impulse
2. Medicines to help decrease the anger and aggression related to the impulse.
3. Counselling to help one understand his/her sexual maturity.

Sad Reality  -
The majority of sexual perversions are never treated.
As a psychiatrist I meet many victims of sexual perversions, they are ready to quietly take the pain but don't bring the oppressor to justice or take him for treatment.

Specially in Indian society Males with sexual perversions are shielded by their mothers or wifes. There is denial to accept this mental illness and a complete denial to seek treatment.

I have treated hundreds of woman/men who are suffering depression because of the physically torture they have to undergo before or during sexual act by their spouse, but they decide to keep quiet and never bring their spouse to treatment.

I have met children who have been inappropriately touched or sexually abused by male relatives/teachers.. but parents/family want the child to be treated without legally or medically fighting the oppressor.


A sexual Pervert might know he has a problem.. But will never seek help... its important to take him to the right professional.

written by -

Dr.Hemant Mittal
(Psychiatrist, Motivational Writer and Counselor)

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(feel free to ask your questions/feedback through email)

Clinic Address - Mind Mantra, 15,
shreeji plaza,
plot-24, sector-25,
opposite seawoods station,
Seawoods (east), Navi Mumbai, Thane, Mumbai 

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