How to Deal with Failure?

1. View yourself as a success, no matter what is happening.
Some people grow up feeling so worthy, loved, and special that setbacks affect them much less than other people. They shrug off setbacks and move on to the next challenge.
The more attention you pay to increasing your self-esteem, the less you will be scarred by setbacks.

2. Know your personal weaknesses and deal with them.
Most adults are keenly aware of the areas where they are weak, but popular myth is that admitting a weakness, even to yourself, is considered the sign of a loser.
This is far from true from success in real life, where knowing yourself is an enormous advantage on the road to success.
It's not possible to be all things. The act of being honest is the first step in getting better. Hiding your weaknesses rarely works.

3. Address the influence of fear and anxiety.
Modern life is anxious and stressful. Medical statistics tell us that prescriptions for antidepressants and tranquilizers keep soaring, but you know why upto 80% of these treatments/medications go to women?
Because they are better than men at admitting how they feel inside and taking steps to get better.
The whole area of how to treat psychological problems is acceptance you have a problem.
You need to realize that anxiety is a natural reaction to stress. Listen to the signals of your body and mind. It can prevent you years of suffering.

4. Get the details of your work.
Setbacks feel worse when they come as a surprise or shock
Managers and executives refuse to see the looming dangers, or otherwise ignore risks.
Take heed and practice foresight.
Don't trust in luck, don't assume you are immune to risks.

5. Have a supportive family.
Fifty years ago it was typical for a husband not to tell his wife about what was happening at work. Today husband and wife are likely to both be working, and there's no reason for either of them to go it alone. Call upon the support of your spouse, and when you are in the supporting position, lend your full attention to what is going on in your partner's work life. All of us thrive with encouragement and wilt with discouragement. So having an encouraging partner who believes in you is an essential kind of support. If you currently don't communicate on this level with your partner, take steps to begin to.

6. Alone or in team - whats you work atmosphere.
Some people are destined to work alone, writers and artists being the classic examples.
Others are programmed to works as part of a team, and teams build their own culture and atmosphere.
Recognize your calling.

7. Identify with interests outside your work.
Everyone needs both down time and play time, not just on the weekends but every day.
If you only live for your work, setbacks can be devastating. The value of play time is essential for your brain.

8. Develop core values.
Values need to be explored and developed -  love, trust, honesty, compassion, self-reliance, devotion, reverence, loyalty, and courage.
Are great words until not practised.

9. Be centered.
Being centered means that you can rest within yourself no matter how stormy your circumstances may be. You reside in your own existence. You don't identify with external markers of value like money, rank, and possessions.
Being whole within yourself is the prize that comes after you've remained centered for years, because being centered isn't a passive state.
It's the place from which you learn, grow, observe, decide, and appreciate.

by Deepak Chopra

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