Talent doesn't guarantee you success

I meet many people who are very talented but are wasting their time..
They feel their talent is not being appreciated and they are not succeeding as much as those lesser talented.

1. life is not fair, if you don't make it fair.
2. your talent needs to be advertised, else no one will know about it.
3. don't let your talent be taken for granted and others take undue advantage of the same.
4. Just because you were born talented doesn't mean you are the best, there will be someone working harder than you, that person will succeed.

Discipline, long term planning, hard work and street smartness are essential for success.
They are a life-style not something you develop over-night.

written by -
Dr.Hemant Mittal (MBBS, DPM, MD(mindmantra))
(Psychiatrist, Motivational Writer and Counselor)

email – eksoch@gmail.com
website – www.mindmantra.in

clinic address- 15, shreeji plaza, next to ice n spice restaurant, opposite seawoods station, seawoods (east)
Navi Mumbai

(feel free to ask your questions/feedback through email)

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